Forerunner of the bra as we know it today was launched first in Paris, France, in 1889. design of the modern bra was created by an entrepreneur named Herminie Cardolle clothing. The shape still resembles a corset, bra predecessors. The difference, women's underwear Cardolle divide it into two parts, stomach and chest. Brassiere which is the root of the bra first used by Vogue magazine in 1907. Although the origin-bakalnya already exists, in those days women prefer to wear a corset. This custom was lost when the World War I.
Because the military industrial countries engaged in war, require a lot of metal to produce armaments. Metal-on corset must be converted to enable the needs that are considered far more urgent. In 1917, Bernard Baruch, chairman of the U.S. War Industries Board specifically asked the women to abandon their habit of wearing a corset.
The use of a corset is basically harmful to health. Although the shape of a woman's body according to the standard of beauty in those days, a corset can make it difficult to breathe, and in some extreme cases lead to dislocation of organs. Not difficult for women to abandon a habit that was tormenting them. The result, as much as 28,000 tons of metal had "converted-enable" for the purposes of the war industry. The amount is enough to make two big warships.
Women must find alternatives to wrap their chests. This is when Mary Phelps Jacob, an American socialite, began introducing the first modern bra in 1910. Jacob intends to attend a big party wearing an evening gown with a thin low-cut chest. Order of shark bone corsets that would interfere with the beauty of wearing a dress that is prepared from the distant days. Together with one of his servants, he made underwear from two silk handkerchiefs held together with pink ribbon. This design became popular in social circles Jacobs and then patented in 1914.
Fashion trend then shifted from the curvaceous body shape (which is modified by using a corset) to form a thin body with a flat chest. Styles that are considered modern when it was created fashions women practically without using a lot of material and make women more easily moved. The shift followed this trend of women becoming active in a variety of jobs. Women who follow fashion, which is thought to reflect the rebellion, then commonly called a flapper. Bra with a modern shape is then began to be mass produced in 1920-аn. But mass production had not noticed the size of each individual woman. It was only in 1922 women could wear a bra with more conveniently when Ida and William Rosenthal revolutionized the form of a bra.
They created a standard size bra comprising linear ribs circumference and size of the volume of the chest (cup size) using the alphabet (A, B, C, D, and so on). The size of A is equal to eight ounces of fluid, while B is equivalent to 13 ounces, and C equals 21, and so on. Ida and William then founded the Maidenform bra company that hath a tremendous success and makes millionaires Rosenthal partner. Maidenform still stands today.
Bra became part of everyday women's clothing until the revolution of thinking about the role of women. in America, this revolution began when the book Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique was published in 1963. Books that questioned the role of women, who seemed to be returned to the domestic realm by the public system at the time.
This continued until 1970-аn where protests over the icons are considered to curb the women questioned by feminists. Germaine Greer, one of the feminist intellectual, states that, "Bra is a ridiculous creature."
In support of that thought, many women decide to no longer wear a bra. To some extent this is simply hitting the bra industry. Ida Rosenthal, the industrialist underwear, only replied casually, "We are a democracy. It is legitimate if people dressed or naked. But after the age of 35, the shape of women's bodies do not support him for not wearing a bra. Time on my side. "Later on Ida's words proved true.
Although time is congested, the bra industry continues to grow. Especially when Madonna wore a costume bra is tapered in the chest. Costumes were made especially by French designer Jean-Paul Gaultier for Blonde Ambition tour in 1990.
At the beginning of the 19th century, closed the chest has not been so customary in Indonesia. The habit of wearing a bra was introduced Dutch. in his novel, Prince Diponegoro, Remy Sylado explain the origin of the term brassiere.
3ff08 girl +1890 + Priangan History Origins of the BRA or the bra!
At that time, the postal highway construction projects Anyer-Panarukan, Netherlands hired slave women and men. Don Lopez, a Dutch official, see the slave woman topless. He then cut a piece of white cloth and gave it to one of them while saying in French: "close the valuable part (coutant) it." Many times he said "coutant .. coutant "which later came as a halter by the workers.In many countries bra / bra called in different ways. in France it's called anchoring chest soutien-gorge (throat cantilever), in Spain sujetar (prop). bustenhalter in Germany, in Sweden bysthallare, and in the Netherlands bustehouder-all means support the chest. While in Esperanto (Russian) which means the bra is called mamzono chest belt.
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